The 7 Most Popular Anime Series Ranked

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Are you also a big anime fan, here this article is for you know the 7 most popular anime series ranked. Including Naruto Shippuden, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon Crystal, Bleach, etc.

7. Naruto Shippuden

Release Date: 2002
Genre: Martial Arts, Magic, Drama

Commencing its journey in the distant annals of 2002, this colossus of an anime franchise has recently embarked on a conclusive odyssey, culminating in the grand finale of its second installment, “Naruto Shippuden: The Last – Naruto the Movie.” The absence of a traditional Naruto anime series should not be misconstrued as the franchise’s cessation. Notably, “Boruto: Naruto the Movie,” a unique cinematic venture, delving into the lives of various progenies, made its debut in 2015. It is plausible that further cinematic productions and exclusive features may be on the horizon.

For enthusiasts enamored with martial prowess, sorcery, and the arcane, this series, replete with humor, drama, and frenetic action, is a compelling choice.

6. One Piece

Release Date: 1999
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy

In congruence with Naruto, “One Piece” entwines action and narrative, albeit with a tad more bountiful infusion of humor. Uninterruptedly unfurling since its inception in 1999, now boasting an archive exceeding 600 anime episodes and a medley of “One Piece” cinematic chronicles, this anime chronicling the escapades of an eccentric cadre of pirates has summoned a dedicated following that burgeons ceaselessly.

5. Fairy Tail

Release Date: Varied
Genre: Magic, Fantasy, Adventure

Ever contemplated the hypothetical venture of J.K. Rowling or Enid Blyton in crafting an anime opus? The result would likely mirror “Fairy Tail” (distinct from “Fairy Tale”), a narrative that shadows an assorted fellowship of sorcery-wielding guild members embarking on mystical sojourns teeming with monsters, malevolent sorcerers, and revelations of both cataclysmic and intimate import.

While the animation might not rank at the pinnacle of Japanese anime artistry, “Fairy Tail” compensates extravagantly with its infectious optimism and an expansive ensemble of original personas.

4. Pokemon

Release Date: Late 90s
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Family

Despite its orientation toward a younger anime aficionado demographic, the “Pokemon” anime continues to exert a pervasive appeal across all age strata within the Pokemon enthusiast spectrum. This phenomenon encompasses both long-standing devotees who have been immersed since the anime’s debut in the late 1990s and novitiates just embarking on their Pokemon odyssey.

Due to the cyclic reconfiguration the series undertakes periodically, where all but the central characters of Ash and Pikachu are substituted upon each transition to a novel locale, the “Pokemon” anime offers accessibility and enjoyment virtually from any episode. Delving into the myriad “Pokemon” cinematic installments demands scant prerequisite awareness.

3. Dragon Ball Z

Release Date: Varied
Genre: Martial Arts, Fantasy, Comedy

Although the time-honored epic “Dragon Ball Z” reached its conclusion several years ago, its legacy as one of the quintessential anime series, transcending generational boundaries, remains unassailable.

Encompassing an amalgamation of martial arts, Chinese cultural elements, humor, and speculative fiction, “Dragon Ball Z” is a superlative choice for a broad spectrum of age cohorts. Notably, with the recent release of the series on Blu-ray and the advent of a fresh anime continuum titled “Dragon Ball Super,” the present epoch affords an auspicious juncture for immersion.

2. Sailor Moon Crystal

Release Date: Varied
Genre: Magical Girl, Fantasy, Romance

Indubitably, “Sailor Moon” stands as one of the most iconic Japanese animated series with a global imprint that has pervaded the entirety of pop culture. Sailor Moon resurfaces in an entirely novel anime iteration that remains more faithful to the original Sailor Moon manga, a marked departure from the 1990s anime adaptation, which ventured into idiosyncratic reinterpretations of the source material.

The contemporary rendition, “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal,” frequently claims a preeminent position in the rankings of televised programs accessible via online streaming services such as Hulu and Crunchyroll, where it is accessible without charge. Both seasoned aficionados and nascent enthusiasts are savoring the enduring personas in an unprecedented light.

1. Bleach

Release Date: Varied
Genre: Supernatural, Action, Fantasy

While the enduring anime franchise has been discontinued in its native Japan due to a precipitous decline in viewership, “Bleach” maintains its resonance on foreign shores. The series episodes and “Bleach” cinematic productions consistently secure high standing on streaming platforms and DVD sales registers.

Set against the backdrop of contemporary Tokyo, “Bleach” traces the chronicle of Ichigo, a high school pupil, who assumes the mantle of a Soul Reaper, confronting malevolent entities while safeguarding those dear to him. The series may be susceptible to an abundance of interstitial episodes, yet its unique stylization, characterized by exquisite character delineations, resonant musical scores, and commendable ethnical diversity amongst the principal cast, compensates adequately.

The graphic depiction of violence in “Bleach” mandates parental discretion for younger spectators, but it merits exploration for older adolescents and beyond.

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